Van build

The Invisible Build

August 5, 2018

When I started this blog I had purchased a van, but had not yet begun to build it. I spent a bunch of my daydreaming time learning how to build this site and getting it up and running. . . And then the build began; and I stopped posting. To be honest, I stopped doing EVERYTHING ELSE. Building Apricity consumed my every moment for months. My partner Hadden and I dumped heaps of love, time, and money into her and created something filled with magic.

The end result is a little nest on wheels with a very woodsy cabin-esque feel, and no blog to show the steps of how she came to be.

I’ve been living in Apricity full time since the beginning of June now, and I think I’d like to keep a record of our travels and how this lifestyle is treating us.

If you’re interested in how the build looked, check out Apricity’s Instagram. Otherwise, stay tuned for updates on our adventures!

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